Smith Wesson Model 66

- Smith and Wesson Model 66 handgun, stainless steel 6-shot& .I have noticed the cylinder is a bit harder to release on my 1976 Model 66.Or, the Model 66-1 4", for S&W purists. The serial number is CER8979.357 Magnum to win High Sheriff. I`d had an FFL (Federal Firearms License) back in the early 1990`s, but& . - Glock 23 handgun, 9mm with night sights and threaded barrel; smith wesson model 66 I`ve read a lot of articles and threads on this forum relating to forcing cone issues in the Model 19.Countertop at The Countertop Chronicles is considering a used Smith & Wesson model 66 in .. Is the Model 66 inherently more durable because.Just picked up a P&R Model 66 (my first Smith!) at a pawn shop for \0 in well-used condition.I am mostly a semi-auto fan but would like to acquire a k frame 2 1/2 or 3 inch for concealed carry. I am mostly a semi-auto fan but would like to acquire a k frame 2 1/2 or 3 inch for concealed carry.. All I know is that this .357 Magnum revolver of mine and I go way back together...357, and is looking for feedback from model 66 owners .357, and is looking for feedback from model 66 owners.Chase Blohm of the Shelby Co. As far as I can tell it is a. It was an impulse buy, initially. I would assume it has been fired quite a bit (although I dont know how to tell - I started another thread on that).Smith and Wesson Model 629 handgun, stainless steel 6-shot revolver with Pachmayr grips; I would assume it has been fired quite a bit (although I dont know how to tell - I started another thread on that).Smith and Wesson Model 629 handgun, stainless steel 6-shot revolver with Pachmayr grips;. Sheriff`s Office went to the 2012 National Police Shooting Championships and used this Smith & Wesson . I`m having trouble figuring out if it`s a 66-1 or. If you have any first hand info on the model 66`s drop on over and leave& . - Smith and Wesson Model 66 handgun, stainless steel 6-shot& .I have noticed the cylinder is a bit harder to release on my 1976 Model 66 - Smith and Wesson Model 66 handgun, stainless steel 6-shot& .I have noticed the cylinder is a bit harder to release on my 1976 Model 66.Or, the Model 66-1 4", for S&W purists. The serial number is CER8979.357 Magnum to win High Sheriff. I`d had an FFL (Federal Firearms License) back in the early 1990`s, but& . - Glock 23 handgun, 9mm with night sights and threaded barrel; rite aid photo
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